Verb - it is an action word (run, walk, dance)
Adjective - describes something or someone (beautiful, peaceful, nice)
Adverb - describes a verb (Dad snores loudly.), an adjective (Isabella is very tall), another adverb (The movie ended too quickly). It usually ends with -ly but not always. You just have to look at the sentence structure.
- well - plays - verb (Here plays is an action word)
- exceptionally - talented - adjective (The word talented describes Shakespeare (someone) as a writer)
- seldom - loses -verb (This is an action word just note that verb does not describe anything)
- unusually - happy - adjective (The word happy describes Herbert (someone))
- tomatoes - slice - verb (Again, this tells an action.)
- so - fast - adverb (This is an adverb because it's describing the verb run)
- rather - funny -adjective (Funny describes the clown so that's why it's an adjective)
- too - drowsy - adjective (Same as number 7, drowsy describes the noun I or based on who said it, Angelica)
- unusually -hard - adverb (Careful here, you might mistake hard for an adjective but if you look carefully, you'll see that hard is describing the verb works)
- somewhat - enthusiastically - adverb (It ends in -ly but if you must know, it's describing the verb answered.)
- joyfully - laughed - verb (Action word)
- carefully - walked - verb (Another action word/salitang kilos)
- frantically - looked - verb (It's also an action word)
- quickly - turned - verb (Another action word)
- calmly - walked - verb (And another action word)