TSUNAMI - Stay out of the water and away from beaches and waterways. Get more information from radio, television, and your mobile device (text or data.) If officials ask you to evacuate, move quickly to a safe place. Follow evacuation signs or go as high or far inland (away from the water) as possible
If you are in a tsunami hazard zone and receive an official warning:
~ Stay out of the water and away from beaches and waterways
Get more information from radio, television, and your mobile device (text or data.)
If officials ask you to evacuate, move quickly to a safe place. Follow evacuation signs or go as high or far inland (away from the water) as possible.
If you are in a tsunami hazard zone and receive a natural warning*, a tsunami could arrive within minutes.
In case of an earthquake, protect yourself. Drop, cover, and hold on. Be prepared for aftershocks. Each time the earth shakes, drop, cover, and hold on.
Take action. Do not wait for an official warning or instructions from officials.
As soon as you can move safely, move quickly to a safe place. Follow evacuation signs or go as high or far inland (away from the water) as possible.
If there is earthquake damage, avoid fallen power lines, and stay away from weakened structures.
When you are in a safe place, get more information from radio, television, or your mobile device (text or data.)
If you are on the beach or near water and feel an earthquake of any size or length, move quickly to high ground or inland (away from the water) as soon as you can move safely.
(*Note: natural warnings include a strong or long earthquake, a loud roar from the ocean, or unusual behavior like fast rising or draining of water)
-Hope it helps!