Lewis Henry Morgan's theory of historical development divided history into three stages: Savagery, Barbarism, and Civilization.
Stage 1 - Savagery: In the first stage, society is characterized by hunting and gathering, and there is little to no concept of property ownership. People live in small clans and are highly mobile, often migrating to follow herds of animals.
Stage 2 - Barbarism: In the second stage, society becomes more settled, with the emergence of agriculture and the beginning of permanent settlements. As there is more stability, there is also an increase in social hierarchies.
Stage 3 - Civilization: In this final stage, there is a high level of societal complexity, with complex political systems, larger population densities, and the emergence of cities. During this stage, there is a greater division of labor and the emergence of complex economies with trade and currency. Additionally, there is an increase in technological innovation, art, literature, and cultural development.