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directions:idetifythe following as irony or hyperbole.
14. i will die if sg he ask me to dance
pa sagot need ko now​

Sagot :



Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1.He holds the distinction of being the first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize for LiteratureA.Wole SoyinkaC. Po Chu!".#asunari $a%abata&. 'abindranath (agore

The correct answer is D.

(agore %on the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1)1*. "oth +A, Soyinka and +", $a%abata arealso Nobel Prize %inners but these are not the correct ans%ers- $a%abata %on in 1)/ and Soyinka 1/ years later in1)/0. (he Nobel Prize0 %hich %as first given in 1)10 did not e2ist during +C, Po Chu!3s ti4e in /5 A.&.6.7ilial 8iety is a basic tenet of this school of thoughtA.(aois4". Confucianis4C. Hinduis4&. "uddhis4

The correct answer is B.

'es8ect and devotion to 8arents is i48ortant in establishing har4onious relationshi8 and is afunda4ental conce8t of Confucianis4. +A, (aois4 e48hasizes

wu wei

or non action to achieve har4ony %ith nature.+C, Hinduis4 highlights the individual3s


or duty0 %hile +&, "uddhis4 focuses on selfa%areness to attainenlighten4ent.*.What does this e2cer8t fro4 the


reveal about the Hindu belief on the god Purusha9

A thousand heads hath Purusha0 a thousand eyes0 a thousand feet. :ne every side 8ervading earth he fills a s8ace ten fingers %ide. (he Purusha is all that yet hath been and all that is to be0 (he Lord %a2es greater still by food. So 4ighty is his greatness; yea0 greater than this is Purusha0 All creatures are onefourth of hi40 threefourths eternal life in heaven.A.Purusha is the 8ersonification of natural 8heno4ena.".(he god Purusha is the source of 4ercy and salvation for all.C.Purusha is the 8ri4al source of all creation.&.Purusha is 8o%erful and su8re4e over all earth.

The correct answer is C.

Purusha is the Pri4al Person in a sacrificial ritual %here his body 8arts are dis4e4bered tocreate the different 8arts of the %orld and the for4 caste syste4. +A, is incorrect because the deities such as0 fire+Agni,0 the sun +Surya,0 death +#a4a,0 not Purusha0 8ersonify various natural 8heno4ena. +", is incorrect because thee2cer8t does not describe Purusha as 4erciful savior- neither is +&, correct because the e2cer8t does not talk aboutPurusha3s 8o%er and su8re4acy rather0 Purusha as the Pri4al Sacrifice in the ritual.5.What insight is suggested by this haiku fro4 "ash<9Poverty3s child =He starts to grind the riceAnd gazes at the 4oon.A.Nature has a soothing effect on the hu4an s8irit.".Child labor is a reality in 4any Asian nations.C.(he 8oor drea4s and are ho8eful of better things in their life.&.Life is a neverending routine of %ork and leisure.

The correct answer is A

. "y contrasting the task of grinding rice %ith the boy3s observation of the 4oon0 "ash<evokes a sense of longing and ca8tures the co4forting effect of nature on the hu4an soul. +", Child labor is an actual8roble4 in 4any third %orld nations in Asia but it is not the sub>ect of this haiku. +C, ?azing at the 4oon 4ay besuggestive of drea4ing and ho8ing but this leaves out the essence that the i4agery creates. +&, is incorrect because0%hile the grinding of rice is routine0 the haiku does not have the tone of boredo4.@.(his e2cer8t fro4 Soyinka3s

Telephone Conversation

indicates the universal issue of . BA' #:D &A'$9 :' E'# L!?H(9F 'evelation ca4e. B#ou 4ean = like 8lain or 4ilk chocolate9F Her assent %as clinical0 crushing its light!48ersonality. 'a8idly0 %avelength ad>usted0! chose0 BWest African se8ia.F = and as an afterthought0 B&o%n in 4y 8ass8ort.F A. gender discri4inationC. hu4an rights violation". colonial 4entality&. racial discri4ination

The correct answer is D.

(he landlady3s Guestions about color indicate her dee8rooted 8re>udice against blackAfricans even if they are educated and acco48lished. +A, is incorrect because although the tele8hone conversation isbet%een a fe4ale house o%ner and a 4ale caller the 8oe4 does not focus on gender discri4ination. Neither is +",acce8table because the 8oe4 does not highlight colonial 4entality. +C, 4ay be considered because racial discri4inationis a for4 of hu4an rights violation but this is not the best ans%er..(he Hindu belief that life is an illusionA. dhar4a ". arthaC. 4aya&. ka4a.


the theoretical basis for the caste syste4 of the Hindus rests on A.one3s birthright C. a 8erson3s ca8acity and intelligence".kar4a of 8ast thought and actions &. the Guality of contribution to society/. is a collection of nons8eculative hy4ns re8resentative of the Aryan religious s8irit often co48arable tothe 8sal4s in the :ld (esta4ent.A."hagavad ?ita". &ha44a8adaC. 'igveda&. D8anishads).What rhetorical device is used in this line fro4 the


9 B&early0 loved0 devoted SitaI daughter of a royal line.F A.ono4ato8oeia". alliterationC. assonance&. consonance