THESIS STATEMENT-Human rights should be respected and upheld to ensure that equality is applied in serving all people. Democracy should be applied at all times to ensure that all people are treated the same without discrimination.
ISSUE-Human Rights: One of the most fundamental documents of the United Nations is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition to creating this document, it has created a Human Rights Council to monitor human rights violations and protections in various countries throughout the world.
POSITION-It includes the President, Vice President, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, boards, commissions, and committees. The President leads the country. He or she is the head of state, leader of the national government, and Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines.
REASON FOR SUPPORT-#1: Human rights ensure people have basic needs met
Everyone needs access to medicine, food and water, clothes, and shelter. By including these in a person’s basic human rights, everyone has a baseline level of dignity. Unfortunately, there are still millions of people out there who don’t have these necessities, but saying it’s a matter of human rights allows activists and others to work towards getting those for everyone.
#2: Human rights protect vulnerable groups from abuse
The Declaration of Human Rights was created largely because of the Holocaust and the horrors of WII. During that time in history, the most vulnerable in society were targeted along with the Jewish population, including those with disabilities and LGBT. Organizations concerned with human rights focus on members of society most vulnerable to abuse from powerholders, instead of ignoring them.