Fundamental Concept
We can denote the parent genotypes by following the letter identifiers provided in the problem.
As such, the parent genotypes are: BBLL (black, long tailed) and bbll (brown, short tailed).
The punnet square will assist in identifying the offsprings of these parent genotypes.
Parent Genotypes
As discussed above, the parent genotypes are BBLL and bbll.
Punnet Square
Refer to the punnet square in the attached document.
Phenotypic Ratio
Phenotypic ratio is the number of offsprings showing specific traits or combination of traits. In the current problem, the traits involved are black fur, brown fur, long tail and short tail.
The phenotypic ratio can be identified from the punnet square.
Phenotypic Ratio = 9 (black, long tail) : 3 (black, short tail) : 3 (brown, long tail) : 1 (brown, short tail)
Genotypic Ratio
Genotypic ratio is the number of times a particular genotype appears in a set of offsprings.
The genotypic ratio can be identified from the punnet square.
Genotypic Ratio = 1 (BBLL) : 2 (BBLl) : 2 (BbLL) : 4 (BbLl) : 1 (BBll) : 2 (Bbll) : 1 (bbLl) : 1 (bbll)