Full film- An analytical model for full film lubrication of deep drawing is developed, combining the elastic–plastic membrane finite element code of deep drawing together with full film lubrication theory. In full film lubrication, the surfaces are not in contact, and the gap in between includes two types of lubrication: the thick film lubrication regime and the thin film lubrication regime. The film thickness and the strain distribution of full film lubrication are predicted here. The theoretical results show excellent agreement with the experiment data.
boundary- Boundary lubrication is perhaps best defined as the lubrication of surfaces by fluid films so thin that the friction coefficient is affected by both the type of lubricant and the nature of the surface, and is largely independent of viscosity.
elastohydrodynamic- Elastohydrodynamic lubrication conditions occur when a rolling motion exists between the moving elements, and the contact zone has a low degree of conformity. For example, note that the curve of the roller and the race in a rolling element bearing are very dissimilar.
hydrodynamic- the cross head pin bearing or gudgeon pin bearing in two stroke engines employs this hydrostatic lubrication mechanism. In the cross head bearing, the load is very high and the motion is not continuous as the bearing oscillation is fairly short.