Reductions were settlements created by Spanish rulers in Spanish America and the Spanish East Indies. The Spanish relocated, forcibly in many cases, indigenous inhabitants of their colonies into urban settlements modeled on those in Spain. In Portuguese-speaking Latin America, such reductions were also called aldeias.
A tribute is wealth, often in kind, that a party gives to another as a sign of respect or, as was often the case in historical contexts, of submission or allegiance. Various ancient states exacted tribute from the rulers of land which the state conquered or otherwise threatened to conquer.
The encomienda was a Spanish labor system that rewarded conquerors with the labor of particular groups of conquered non-Christian people. The laborers, in theory, were provided with benefits by the conquerors for whom they labored, the Catholic religion being a principal benefit.
Forced labour (Sapilitang trabaho).
Forced labour, or unfree labour, is any work relation, especially in modern or early modern history, in which people are employed against their will with the threat of destitution, detention, violence including death, compulsion, or other forms of extreme hardship to either themselves or members of their families.