Science Fiction
2. The martian
The Martian is the fact that the film is deeply rooted in hard science fiction, without pandering to the audience. While Mark Watney monologues for the camera, it's not to brag or be smug, it's to explain his thought processes while working a problem that's key to his survival.
The film is a perfect reflection of the anti-politics-as-usual mood of the U.S. electorate and our craving for genuine heroes.
3. The darkest minds
The Darkest Minds is set in a near-future dystopia that feels fresh and interesting. The characters are multidimensional, especially Ruby, Liam, and Chubs. Author Alexandra Bracken generally keeps the level of suspense high and makes her readers feel the jeopardy in her characters' situations.
The Darkest Minds has a theme of self sacrifice. Ruby and Liam are willing to do whatever it takes to help others. Sam was always sticking up for Ruby despite the consequences. Ruby always put others before herself, she was always worried about their well being.
2.The lion and the mouse.
I chose this story because I love how the mouse still helped the lion even when the lion was angry at the mouse for playing on his tail.
The moral of the story is "whoever it be, whatever size, we should help each other, and these kind deeds always get rewarded." Being helpful to others is the most significant virtue, and everyone is unique in their own way.
3.The turtoise and hare
I chose it because of the moral lesson of the story is that you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly and carelessly.
Because like I said I like the moral lesson "Slow and steady wins the race." I know that this statement has been used multiple times throughout my life and probably yours
2. Candyman
This movie stands on its own but continues the legacy of the original in a unique and useful way.
No, Im not really a fan of these types of movie
All in all, this film is far and away stunning and worth a watch.
3. The tall man
Like that earlier film, The Tall Man is a story of sactri ice endurance for a belief held firmly by its protagonist
No, Im not a fan of horror movies.
Although I dont like these types of film but its still worth watching
2. Attack on titan
Attack on Titan offers some of the most vibrant, and interesting characters ever created. ... From the way the characters are designed, to the quality of animation, everything is just perfect. Each scene is animated with utmost care, especially the action scenes.
Attack on Titan is said to have the best character developments of all time. The female characters being so fierce and so graceful, they are literally a sight to behold. Typical Shonen Anime depict their female characters in a rather crude way but Attack on Titan did absolute justice to its female characters
3. Jujutsu Kaisen
The scenes where the two argue as they fight over control are some of the best in the series. ... His carefree, easygoing, and comical attitude makes him one of the most beloved characters in the series. But when it comes time to be serious, he knows what to do and gets it done
Jujutsu Kaisen blurs the line somewhat and shows some smart restraint in so doing. Jujutsu Kaisen is clear on who's good and who's evil, but to keep things from getting stale, the story shows the brutal and sadistic side of the main characters, to make sure they aren't just goody-two-shoes all the time