1._____Structure of the composition
2._____The traditional music of Japan
3._____Traditional folk song of Korea means "Farewell song"
4._____The speed of Music
5._____A single melody without any accompaniment
6._____Trdaditional folk song of Japan means "Cherry Blossom"
7._____The softness and Loudness of sound
8._____Traditional folk song of China means "Jasmine Flowers"
9._____The sound is low and seems to come from deep in our throat
10.____The quality of sound
1. Form Structure of the composition
2. Meditative The traditional music of Japan
3. Sakura Traditional folk song of Korea means "Farewell song"
4. Tempo The speed of Music
5. Monophony A single melody without any accompaniment
6. Arirang Traditional folk song of Japan means "Cherry Blossom"
7. Dynamics The softness and Loudness of sound
8. Mo Li Hua Traditional folk song of China means "Jasmine Flowers"
9. Throaty The sound is low and seems to come from deep in our throat
10. Timbre The quality of sound