1. Staying late at Night Binge eating - Eating in the middle of the night can make you weigh a lot. This causes you to get fat without you even realizing it
2. Skipping Breakfast - This practice will make your brain, muscles, and even your body not functioning the way they used to be because your body and brain needs sugar to be active again. That's why we are eating breakfast after we woke up to replenish these sugars again
3. Overeating - Overeating can cause overweight and could even lead to obesity
4. Starving yourself so as to not get fat - Not eating properly is a big problem to your body because your body needs the energy it can get to the foods you eat. Without these, your body will having a hard time supporting you and itself
5. Compulsive Eating - These type of activity can only be done if you are having depression, sadness, or just simply boredom because it can relieve stress when you are doing this. This will make you gaining some weights however and causing you to get fat
Note: I'm not 100% if these are correct or not, but feel free to criticize it