Seismic Waves
( Defination )
Seismic Waves are waves of energy that travel though Earth Layers, and are the result of earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, magma movement,large landslide and large man-made explosion give out low-frequency acoustic energy.
( Main Types )
Body Waves Surface Waves
Sub Types: Sub Types:
v v v v
Primary Secondary Love Rayliegh
Waves Waves Waves Waves
v v v v
P-Waves S-Waves Love in half
are are shear Waves space is
compres- waves. have hori- elliptical
sion waves. zontal motion and
that moves the retro-
surface from the grade
side perpendi- at surfa-
cular to direction ce.
the waves is traveling.
Sorry For Lack of Space ;(
Maraming Salamat po! UwU
Finally I Finished It