What I Have Learned
1. What are conjunctions?
- Conjunctions are words used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.
2. Compare the functions of: and, but, and or.
- "And" is used to join two or more clauses of equal importance or rank. The clauses joined by and express relationships such as time, cause and effect, contrast and condition.
- Using "but" is a way of starting a new sentence and connecting it to the previous sentence.
- The word "or" is used for introducing a synonym or explanation of a preceding word or phrase.
3. What about the functions of "for, nor, yet, and so." When are they used?
- The important point is that "for" is used to specify a period of time. "For" can be used when talking about the past, present, or future.
- "Nor" is used as a function word to introduce the second or last member or the second and each following member of a series of items each of which is negated, neither here nor there not done by you nor me nor anyone.
- We use "yet" as an adverb to refer to a time which starts in the past and continues up to the present. We use it mostly in negative statements or questions in the present perfect.
- "So" is often used when we are talking about a high degree of something.
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Conjunction Words: (FANBOYS)
For - The important point is that "for" is used to specify a period of time. "For" can be used when talking about the past, present, or future.
And - "And" is used to join two or more clauses of equal importance or rank. The clauses joined by and express relationships such as time, cause and effect, contrast and condition.
Nor - "Nor" is used as a function word to introduce the second or last member or the second and each following member of a series of items each of which is negated, neither here nor there not done by you nor me nor anyone.
But - Using "but" is a way of starting a new sentence and connecting it to the previous sentence.
Or - The word "or" is used for introducing a synonym or explanation of a preceding word or phrase.
Yet - We use "yet" as an adverb to refer to a time which starts in the past and continues up to the present. We use it mostly in negative statements or questions in the present perfect.
So - "So" is often used when we are talking about a high degree of something.