1. We were dirty, hungry, and without a penny.
2. My room mate like to repair things around the
house and his own cooking.
3. During the day, we went on long hikes, rowed
around the lake, or just leisure time.
4. She returned to pay the rent and because she
had left some of her things.
5. Two things that I found hard to learn as a
freshman were to get enough sleep and
trimming expenses.
6. He asked me about my courses and where I
was planning to be next year.
7. The doctor said that I should rest and not to
get excited or upset.
8. Josh neglected not only to thank Sofia, but he
also gave a sip of orange soda to Reva, Sofia's
best friend.
9. In basketball there is never a dull moment, any
team can win, and a fine display of team work
10. My parents liked peace and quiet, and to