Task 1. Fill It Up! Let's make good use of your word detection skills. In this activity, you need to look for old or recent copies of newspaper, magazine, textbook, or literature stories. Here's how to do the activity: Step 1: From your reading material, locate 3 words which you think you do not know the meaning of. Step 2: Fill in completely the graphic organizer provided in this module. To do so, follow the steps: 2.1: Write the mystery word in the MYSTERY WORD box. 2.2: On the left side of the box is the ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING IT box, this is where you write the SYNONYM of the mystery word. 2.3: On the opposite side is the EXPRESSED IN OPPOSITE MEANING box, this is where you write the ANTONYM of the mystery word. 2.4: Below are three SAMPLE SENTENCE boxes. This is where you write your own sentences using the mystery word you just learned, its synonym, and its antonym. The first one is done for you.