II. Directions: Below are excerpts taken from some of the Philippine literary selections
(Column A) and the various influences in literary selection depicted in
each writing (Column B) Match Column A and Column B by writing the
letter of your answer on the space provided.
A culture
B. economic
C. environment
They had prepared a room for him in Don Eliodoro's house
so that he would not have to walk far to school every
morning, but he gave nothing more than a glance at the big
stone building with its Spanish azotea, its arched doorways,
its flagged courtyard.
Source: Zita"https://www.sushidog.com/bpss/stories/zita.htm
Virgilio was the only child. His mother was killed in a motor
accident when he was nine. Don Pepe never remarried. He
became more and more dependent on Clara as he devoted
himself to books, music and conversation. His house in
Cabildo was a salon during the years of the Commonwealth
Source: "At War's End",
"You know that I have done my best" she said. "I have
prayed to Kabunyan much. I have sacrificed many chickens
in my prayers
Source: "The Wedding Dance", https://discrib.com/download/the-
She would have liked to be there with the other women to
take part in their jokes and their laughter and their merry
gossiping, but they paid a centavo for every piece of soiled
linen they brought there to wash and her mistress wanted to
save this money
Source: "Servant Girl",
I lived in an old, nearly crumbling apartment house just
across the street from the movie house. From the street,
could see into the open courtyard, around which rooms for
the tenants, mostly a whole family to a single room, were
Source: "All Over the World".
D. health
E history