basic language with which the artist's work.
The line is our basic means for recording and symbolizing ideas, observations,
feelings; it is a
primary means of visual communication. Lines always have
direction. They are always active.
The following illustrates the line variations (Preble, 1999)
Line Variations
Art Class
Source: Deviant Nep Blog. February 24,
A. Actual Line
B. Implied line and implied curved line
C. Actual straight line and implied curved line
D. Line created by an edge
E. Vertical line (attitude of alert attention);
horizontal line (attitude of rest)
F. Diagonal lines (slow action, fast action)
G. Sharp jagged lines
H. Dance of curving lines
I. Hardline; soft line
J. Ragged, irregular line
Shape refers to the expanse within the
outline of a two-dimensional area or within the
outer boundaries of a three-dimensional object.
It may be geometric, which tends to be precise
or regular (circles, triangles, squares) or
organic, which are irregular, often curving or
aded and seem relaxed and more informal.