III: identify the following duties and responsibilities. write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
A. Able seaman or AB
B. Boatswain/ Bosun/ Deck Foreman
C. Deck cadet/ navigating cadet
D. Wiper
E. Ordinary seaman or OS
1. he supervises all the deck ratings, assign tasks for them, and monitors their jobs.
2. he is a mechanics on board, a specialist for shipbuilding
3. he is responsible for upkeep duties such as sweeping and washing deck, securing cargo, launching, and recovering lifeboats, splicing wires and ropes, painting, scaling, buffing, and superstructure, etc.
4. he many work as a day worker or watch stander.
5. he must be guided and should receive training in cleaning, navigation, cargo and ship handling, maritime law, firefighting, first aid, survival techniques, etc.
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. E
5. C